PEPFAR's annual planning process is done either at the country (COP) or regional level (ROP).
PEPFAR's programs are implemented through implementing partners who apply for funding based on PEPFAR's published Requests for Applications.
Since 2010, PEPFAR COPs have grouped implementing partners according to an organizational type. We have retroactively applied these classifications to earlier years in the database as well.
Also called "Strategic Areas", these are general areas of HIV programming. Each program area has several corresponding budget codes.
Specific areas of HIV programming. Budget Codes are the lowest level of spending data available.
Expenditure Program Areas track general areas of PEPFAR expenditure.
Expenditure Sub-Program Areas track more specific PEPFAR expenditures.
Object classes provide highly specific ways that implementing partners are spending PEPFAR funds on programming.
Cross-cutting attributions are areas of PEPFAR programming that contribute across several program areas. They contain limited indicative information related to aspects such as human resources, health infrastructure, or key populations programming. However, they represent only a small proportion of the total funds that PEPFAR allocates through the COP process. Additionally, they have changed significantly over the years. As such, analysis and interpretation of these data should be approached carefully. Learn more
Beneficiary Expenditure data identify how PEPFAR programming is targeted at reaching different populations.
Sub-Beneficiary Expenditure data highlight more specific populations targeted for HIV prevention and treatment interventions.
PEPFAR sets targets using the Monitoring, Evaluation, and Reporting (MER) System - documentation for which can be found on PEPFAR's website at As with most data on this website, the targets here have been extracted from the COP documents. Targets are for the fiscal year following each COP year, such that selecting 2016 will access targets for FY2017. This feature is currently experimental and should be used for exploratory purposes only at present.
Years of mechanism: 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
1. Continue to assist the MOH in revitalizing the laboratory technical working.
a. Perform an assessment to detect gaps and needs for quality assurance and control (QA/QC), lab infrastructure, and equipment, at NRL and 10 MOH prioritized labs.
b. Training of lab staff within the NRL and regional sites in Good Lab Practices and laboratory management.
c. Provide TA for the NRL to expand its capability to direct a national quality assurance program, including support to develop and implement a program for HIV testing.
d. Improve HIV testing quality to include validation of HIV test kits, development and implementation of a National Algorithm, using national validated tests.
e. Continue support to the NRL to obtain its accreditation.
2. CDC will engage the College of Medical Technologist, Association of Laboratory Owners, the State University, the MOH and PAHO in a working group to review college curricula and training to broaden knowledge and skills on current procedures for adequate blood product preparation, from pre-service levels.
3. CDC will also engage the MOH, College of Dominican Physicians, the Association of Hematologists and the schools of medicine to review and update college curricula and current guidelines regarding blood products usage.
4. CDC will continue to provide TA and support to implement the plan of a National Blood Bank center, to provide:
a. Equipments with adequate maintenance and repair contracts.
b. Staff training on new technologies
c. Managerial education.
5. Assessment and development of a strategy to strengthen LIS at pilot blood bank where support is been provided.
6. CDC will provide TA to develop a plan to guide the monitoring and evaluation of the activities conducted at Blood Bank sites.
7. Assist the MOH to update and enforce the biosafety guidelines, providing basic equipments and staff trainings at all levels of health institutions.
* USG/CDC will assist the MOH to provide a quality, timely and safe blood supply, nationwide. Strengthening the voluntary donor recruitment campaigns, screening potential donors with the appropriate questions on high risk behaviors, and complete the screening of TTIs with quality tests, will render a lower percentage of excluded blood units; The correct preparation and usage of blood products by updating trainings and guidelines, for pre- and in-service health workers, will render a more appropriate use of blood. An information system installed at Central and Regional Blood Services, will permit a more appropriate distribution of blood products and supplies, with updated data for decision making, preventing shortages and being proactive in management.
* USG/CDC plans to work in fourteen blood services facilities, prioritized by the MOH, which serve a high percentage of the population and have the largest demand for blood units.
A key component of our proposed activities will be to continue to work with MOH to better gauge the number and type of laboratory facilities and services provided for HIV and related testing. USG/CDC will continue development of training activities focused on laboratory management, new technologies and quality assurance of laboratory testing. It is internationally recommended that each country, according to the characteristics of its HIV epidemic, develop and implement a testing algorithm, with validated reagents. This has not been done in the DR, so USG/CDC will assist and fund this important activity.
In order to provide timely quality diagnostic tests, USG/CDC will assist MOH to strengthen and support an efficient and sustainable integrated national laboratory network system. Accurate and updated data collection, reporting and analysis is a needed tool to plan and foresee potential stockouts, drifts, or other problems in laboratory logistics management. USG/CDC will work closely with the MOH to develop and establish a pilot electronic system that will incorporate various labs into a network.
As of December 2009, none of the 226 MOH laboratories are accredited and practice quality standards. One of USG/CDC's priorities is to assist the National Reference Laboratory to obtain accreditation, so that it can expand its capability to lead a national quality assurance program, including quality of HIV testing. Equipment and maintenance needs will be addressed at selected high volume hospitals that serve target populations, USG/CDC will assist the MOH in purchasing new equipment from reliable vendors, ensuring appropriate staff training by the vendor, maintaining an inventory of basic spare parts, and training MOH maintenance teams for routine and emergency situations.